Archive for November, 2011


November 9, 2011

After destroying human lives and human values and becoming largest hurdle in human (and technological) developments capitalism is now going to destroy all the species on this planet (life at all). Karl Marx once explained that absolute separation of working class from sources of capital (production) from which they may obtain reward of their labour is basic condition of capitalism. The same feature of capitalism restrains the science and technological developments, in 21st century, to be utilized for wellbeing of human being at large. Therefore the emerging of movements such as ‘Occupy Wall Street’ (OWS) is not surprising.
But OWS movement in USA is facing two fold criticisms; one from big capitalists, transnational corporate and their agents who remained traditional critical of such agitations. (of whose criticism is similar that of 1917 in Russia.)
While second is from the drawing room leftist who believe in theory rather then in practice with excuse “demonstrators have no (political) programme”.
In a society, where there ruled capitalism with all its negative qualities, where ruling establishment frightened peoples of self created enemies & religious extremism of so-called opponents and asked them to welcome heroes fought against communists (in Hollywood films) and where still religious conservatism is promoted on official level, the emerging of demonstration with slogans ‘capitalism is criminal’ can not be ignored at any level.
If OWS is not a revolutionary movement then it is also not a reformist one. People have acknowledged that the bourgeoisie democracy and liberalism of USA only serves the interests to big businesses, transnational corporate but have no concern with resolving of miseries of working masses comprising 99 % of single world super power as they raised aim to occupy Wall Street as the Wall Street runs the state departments.
The so called opponent of US imperialism all over the world, including Islamic or national bourgeoisie forces, now in practice has turned to the later as they are ignoring the anger of people against capitalism deliberately. They consider the ‘movement against capitalism’ against their own interests.
For communists being silent is a criminal omission. No movement against dominated capitalist system can be ignored for the reason the same consists only economical demands. Why we forgets that every revolutionary movement remained a petty economical movement at initial stage. Should communist stop working in trade unions?
It is duty of communist parties to expose the real face of capitalism, real face of ruling classes in the world, real contradictions causing the capitalist crises. Communists should do their best to organize the movement, to expose the agents of bourgeoisie who either wants to destabilize the movement or to utilize the same for the interests of one or other bourgeoisie.
Only way out is another Bolshevik Revolution.
What did Lenin do is requirement of the day: merging all the petty movements in a big political movement.
It is time to write more and more as it is time to read more and more.
“We have nothing to loose except our chains of slavery; but there is a world to win. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE”
(Written for the 94th anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution)